The past couple of days I have mostly been taking it easy, but I did take the opportunity to see the palace, Wat Po
(with the ginormous reclining Buddha), and the Wat that houses the infamous Emerald Buddha. All three were pretty spectacular, with enough polished gold on the outside of a few buildings to permanently scar even the strongest retina. The Emerald Buddha was still wearing his cold season outfit (he has three outfits for the three seasons) even though it was at least 85 degrees outside. I've been learning Thai as fast as possible but it is really funny when you know enough to ask how much something costs in Thai and of course the person responds with the amount in Thai and you have no idea what numbers are coming out of their mouth! It's going to be a challenge to stay out of trouble.

Thanks to everyone that has emailed me so far I just read them all, it was great to hear what's been going on with you. Take care!
How cool... my son the world traveler!
I love the pictures- they're turning out great on my computer! I forsure gotta come visit you!! Put me on your list of visitors.
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